OR Section: Processed Resources List

Started by Alexei B., November 13, 2013, 11:49:53 AM

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Alexei B.

This section gives some information about the sources, that were considered as possible sources of Plagiarism and the status of their check.
Processed OK count refers to the number of sources that were successfully downloaded and analyzed while the Failed counter refers to the number of sources that failed to load and thus were not checked.

For example: a big PDF file on the Internet was considered as a possible source and the download was initiated. However it was not available at the moment or it failed to load in the given time*. In both cases the document is considered Failed.

By pressing Toggle Resources List you can get a more detailed information on all the possible sources for the document under consideration.

First goes the status of the source: either OK or Failed.
Sources found to contain the text from the document under consideration are listed first, with the numbers of Chars and Words that are similar to those in the checked document.
Failed sources and sources that were not confirmed as having the same text are listed later. Please note, unconfirmed sources are colored with a different tone of Green.

* You can alter the timeout for a document downloading in the Settings > Core Config > Single resource processing timeout section of Plagiarism Detector. The more the time - the longer a document check can take.