UACE - UniCode Anti Cheating Engine

Started by Mike Sanders, September 12, 2021, 09:03:49 PM

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Mike Sanders

UniCode Anti Cheating Engine is aimed at detecting/prevent cheating with homoglyphs. Different alphabets have similarly-looking characters, that are sometimes used to avoid Plagiarism detection. For example: Latin "a" looks similar to Cyrillic "а", but a program considers these different letters.

UACE detects the use of symbols, that are not expected for a given language and will attempt normalizing them to enable the check.

"Warn if % is above" allows you to change the warning  threshold. Warning is present both in reports and in the list of reports in Advanced Reports Viewer.
"Normalize if is above" - changes the normalization threshold. If the % of such symbols is above, the program will replace "foreign" symbols with homoglyphs from the expected alphabet.

Example of a valid case, when it is actually expected to have "foreign" symbols in a document, is when citing books or papers in other languages.

UACE section is a report includes status for the feature (was in on or off), detection percentage before and after  normalization, automatically generated assessment recommendation and  allows to view the full list of all characters present in the document with unicode descriptions.
Plagiarism Detector is a swiss army knife.